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Hi, welcome to my page!

This page serves as an archive/blog of what i have been (and will be) doing during this elective module

The whole point of the website is also to be able to refer back to important infomation learned from previous lessons, so as to be able to get a refresher


I have decided to use this page as more as a blog, recording down my perspective on learning the specific topics, its individual trials and tribulations, and (hopefully) their resoulutions.

I think this would serve to be more interesting for others to read as compared to simply just listing down steps on how to complete various activities.

Its will also be more fun for me to write it in the format of a blog, providing commentary about the process of learning, maybe even vent a little here and there about how tedious some of the steps will be.

Writing it from my perspective also showcases the possible common problems others might encounter while trying to learn from this module(or extremely rare problems caused by my own incompetence).

Anyhow, my deepest wish, is for you, the reader to enjoy reading my experiences, and also learn a thing or two while here!

Happy Hunting!